What deadlines?

COVID-19 is here. Not in my house (that we know of) but it’s in all 50 states and we are in lockdown here in California. A lot of knitters would say “Yaaaaaas, all knitting all the time!!” By “a lot of knitters,” I mean me before I had kids. Me now? “Well…there goes my knitting time.” Having two young boys home 24/7 in the middle of a school year is a challenge! Granted, a healthy family and world is worth it, but yikes!

I was fortunate to only have one hard deadline to meet (although what even ARE deadlines now?). Thanks to the kind and efficient folks at Interweave, I had waaaayyyy more time than necessary to complete it; but it was a struggle to get it off my plate with the holidays and then the pandemic. I’m happy to announce that the project is DONE and sent off and beautiful and I’m happy with it! I’m also thrilled to follow that up with the fact that the two self-published designs are also newly released. WOO!


Bradwen: Picture it. Sicily, 1922. I mean, San Diego…2020. Two parent friends watch their boys play soccer and discuss the recent chill. How dare Southern California have “chill” that isn’t just the regional attitude? Annnnnyhoo, parent 1 says “My kid doesn’t even have a winter hat!” Parent 2 says “I can make him one!” Thus, Bradwen was born. This cabled beanie was made for Bradley and Owen. It’s so easy to memorize and knit, isn’t too boring for the knitter, and isn’t too decorative for the picky dresser. It’s a go-to pattern for me now!

Hypanthium: Picture it. A knitting convention marketplace. A designer browses alone and meets a LOVELY vendor named Marcia of Busy Stix (SUPPORT HER!). She sets her up with some skeins of Bella Hand Dyed Yarn and says “go nuts!” Well, that designer did! Hypanthium is for knitters like me who like to have multiple things going on at the same time. It is a triangle shawl that is made of two lace triangles with a floral colorwork panel in the center. The color work reminded me of the hypanthium of a flower, which (as far as I can tell) is the cup-like receptacle that holds the ovary. I mean…I kinda love that. And I super love how this shawl came out!

SO, back to business. Now my only “deadlines” are proposal deadlines, which I don’t necessarily have to do. For now, it’s all about being a teacher/doctor/playmate/chef to my boys and being some of those things to my husband, too, haha. It’s time to be nice to ourselves and others and settle into this groove for the long haul. That may mean fewer proposals out the door, but that’s life!

Much love to you all and stay healthy!!